Logo DeSign
We Kreate a Custom Logo based on detailed and accurate information YOU submit after payment!
What YOU will receive:
(All File Types) .PNG | .JPG | .PDF | .PSD | .EPS
Dimensions: Expandable - Resolution set to 300DPI
After payment is made you will return to a page to submit all information + images for your project! You also will give the designer some notes on how you want your design to appear such as ideas, colors, provide sketches/ drawings, etc you wish to use for your project.
Please allow 2-3 business days to complete your design. You will receive final design by email within that time frame. If any edits/revisions are needed communication will continue by email which you will receive after Submitting Requirements (form submission).
By clicking "Buy Now", you agree to KreateYOU's Terms, Privacy and Service fees